I declare that all of the information listed in this application form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that on acceptance, my photo will be taken or I can supply a photo if I wish. The membership card remains the property of Ramsgate RSL. Membership cards are not transferable and must be shown on entry to the Club and on request of Management or staff of Ramsgate RSL. I hereby request to be entered on the register of members and further declare that if accepted as a member of Ramsgate RSL I will abide by all its duly constituted Rules, By-Laws and policies including Responsible Service of Alcohol Policy and Responsible Conduct of Gambling Policy. I'm also aware that player activity statements are available free of charge, if I wish to view my gaming activity. I understand that I may opt out of any correspondence by the Club by requesting this in writing.
NOTE: Once this form is submitted, our team will process your Membership application. This can take up to 1 business day to activate. You must visit the Club’s reception desk and present current identification (Driver’s Licence, Passport, NSW Photo or Concession card) to complete your membership application.